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5 Benefits of Fruits that are Rarely Known to Many People

5 Benefits of Fruits that are Rarely Known to Many People

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Fruit is one of the millions of benefits that we can get for health. In addition to maintaining health, the nutritional content of the fruit is also beneficial to protect the body from disease and can even help the healing process of the disease.

In general, all fruits contain nutrients that the body needs. The nutrients contained in it make the fruit’s health benefits unquestionable. Its nutritional content keeps the body healthy, also protects the body from diseases caused by chemicals that enter and cause poisoning.

The following are 5 pieces that are very important for the health of the body and serves to maintain daily health:

1. Noni
Noni is a green fruit that is found in Australia, India and Southeast Asia, including in Indonesia. Noni contains a variety of substances, one of which is potassium, which is a mineral that can help maintain endurance.

Noni benefits for health:
Increase stamina
Drinking fruit juice containing noni mixture is believed to increase the body’s stamina for activities.

Reducing postoperative nausea
Although unable to stop the symptoms of vomiting directly, noni can reduce post-operative nausea.

Reduces high blood pressure
Drinking four ounces of Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) every day for a month can help reduce blood pressure.

Relieve osteoarthritis
Drinking three ounces of Noni juice (Tahitian Noni) every day for 1.5 months can help relieve pain in patients with osteoarthritis.

2. Pineapple
Pineapple is a tropical fruit that is loved by many people. In addition to its delicious taste, pineapple also has a variety of ingredients and benefits in it. One of the most common benefits of pineapple is that it can reduce inflammation and swelling.

Getting the benefits of pineapple does not always mean you have to eat the fruit directly. You can also enjoy pineapple by making pineapple juice, pudding, or fruit salad.

Pineapple for Health Benefits:
Helps digestion and reduce inflammation
Pineapple is considered to help overcome inflammation and digestive disorders. That’s because of the bromelain content in pineapple. In fact, according to research bromelain can also help alleviate inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis.

Improve eye health
Not only carrots that we often hear as foods that can nourish the eyes, but pineapple also has benefits in improving eye health and preventing vision problems related to age or aging.

Helps maintain healthy skin and bones
Manganese content in pineapple can function as an antioxidant that protects skin cells from damage to UV rays. In addition, manganese helps prevent osteoporosis, and increases overall bone and mineral density.

Reducing the risk of coronary heart disease
A study shows that higher intake of vitamin C can cause a reduced risk of coronary heart disease.

3. Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit comes from Mexico and Central America. However, currently the fruit is already widely available in Asia, including Indonesia. Her skin is pink and quite thick. There are three types of dragon fruit based on the color of the flesh, namely red, white, and yellow. The most type is white flesh.

Contains Antioxidants and Reduces Cholesterol
Dragon fruit contains several types of antioxidants. This substance is important to increase the benefits of dragon fruit in fighting free radicals, so that it can prevent premature aging and prevent chronic diseases.

Antioxidants include reductant or pigment in dragon fruit containing lycopene, an antioxidant that is believed to prevent prostate cancer. Flavonoids, which are the main antioxidant group that are able to improve brain health. This substance also adds to the benefits of dragon fruit in reducing the risk of heart disease.

Dragon fruit contains essential fatty acids. The human body needs these fatty acids, but cannot be produced alone. In addition to essential fatty acids, dragon fruit also contains oleic fatty acids. This type of fatty acid can reduce bad cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels.

4. Dates
Date palm is one of the oldest fruits to be cultivated in the world. Apart from its sweet taste, many benefits of dates can be obtained from a variety of important nutrient content in it.

Various important nutrients include potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, and selenium, which are believed to be important minerals in immune function and cancer prevention.

Prevents constipation dates are high in fiber. In a study known, eating dates can facilitate digestion, including helping the process of defecation, so that it will prevent constipation.

Control blood sugar
Fiber in the dates also helps prevent blood sugar levels that rise too high after eating. In addition, dates can help control blood sugar due to low glycemic index and function as antioxidants.

Prevents Alzheimer’s disease

In the results of laboratory studies found that the dates are very beneficial in reducing the signs of inflammation, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6) in the brain. High levels of IL-6 in the brain are associated with a risk of decreased nerve function, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Helps with normal labor
Several studies have shown, regularly consuming dates in the last weeks before delivery, will affect cervical dilatation which can help deliver normally.

5. Pomegranate
Pomegranate which has the Latin name Punica granatum, is a type of fruit that belongs to the berry group. Fruit that has a diameter of about 5-12 cm contains various nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins needed by the body, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex, folate, vitamin E, and vitamin K.

The following are some of the benefits of pomegranates that can make you even more interested in taking them:

Prevents heart disease
If you have a risk of suffering from coronary heart disease, try to consume pomegranate juice. A study shows that consuming at least 200 ml of pomegranate juice every day for 3 months can reduce the symptoms of ischemia due to narrowing of the heart arteries. Benefits of pomegranates are also good for heart health because it can help control blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood vessels in the blood vessels, so can keep the blood flow of the heart and blood vessels throughout the body smoothly.

Prevent cancer
Besides being believed to be able to prevent the emergence of heart disease, it turns out that pomegranate juice is also believed to inhibit the growth of cancer, especially prostate cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, and lung cancer. If taken regularly and accompanied by a balanced diet. This is because pomegranates contain antioxidants that are not only useful to fight free radicals, but can also repair and prevent DNA damage that can trigger the appearance of cancer cells. It is not possible pomegranate juice will have a good impact on health, especially in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

Reducing bad cholesterol
Benefits of pomegranates which are rich in nutrients and antioxidants are thought to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. This is concluded from several research results which state that the benefits of fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber and antioxidants can reduce cholesterol levels. However, several studies examining the benefits of pomegranates in lowering cholesterol still do not show consistent data, so more research is needed.

Reducing the risk of arthritis
If you experience arthritis, there is no harm in trying to eat pomegranates. Pomegranate which has anti-inflammatory properties, is believed to overcome inflammation in the joints. One study even revealed that pomegranate extract contains compounds that can fight joint damage in people suffering from osteoarthritis. However, these allegations are still limited to animal studies and require further study.

The benefits of fruit for health are numerous, but there are some people who have to limit or avoid it, for example people who have intolerance to fructose. People with fructose intolerance may experience digestive problems after consuming certain fruits. If you have certain medical conditions or are on a diet program, it is recommended to consult a doctor about what fruits you can consume according to your condition.