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Not only healthy for adults, exercise is also important for young children. Sports help your child grow and develop healthily. Physical activity in children, is believed to build strong bones and muscles, prevent obesity or overweight, making it easier to catch school lessons.
For most adults, exercise may be synonymous with the gym, running on a treadmill, or lifting weights. But for children, jumping, riding a bicycle, playing soccer, or even hide and seek can make them sweat. In order for Little One and Mother to be more enthusiastic in training the body, you can practice these 5 ways of easy exercise together.
Around the City by Bike
Empower your baby’s muscle strength by letting him ride his bicycle to the nearest school, friend’s house, park, or shop. You can also take him on a bicycle ride every weekend to the park or around the residential complex. You may add mileage on the bicycle every week.
Relax Family
After eating, take your child to walk around the house for about 30 minutes. Mothers can also increase the walking distance every week. Or, if your mother’s family has a pet like a dog, take the baby to go for a walk with his pet.
Planting Something in the Garden
Children usually like to play dirty with dirt on the ground. In addition to making their bodies move, Little One also helped mothers to plant plants. They also know and know a variety of plants. Mothers can also teach her to care for and water the plants until they are fertile. Oh yes, do you know if according to research gardening is a good exercise to prevent osteoporosis? Come on, let’s take advantage of gardening as a sports application with family.
Play together
If a tree in the yard or park near the house has started to shed its leaves, the mother can invite Little to play using these leaves. Mother can invite Little to collect fallen leaves and put them in the trash. Or ask him to clean the leaves using a broom.
Clean the house together
Applying sports together can also be done by cleaning the house. Children who are still small can help mothers sweep the floor or clean toys, while older ones can clean dust, make beds, or do the dishes. Mothers can put up children’s favorite songs so that Little One is not bored. Putting on a song can also make mom and baby dance while cleaning the house.
Playing hide and seek
After eating or Little One home from school, mothers can take him to play hide and seek, soccer, or basketball. Do this at least 30 minutes every three times a week.
Even though exercise is good for your baby’s health, you shouldn’t force it. The more forced, the more children can hate sports. Remember, the goal you want to achieve is for your child to love sports because they understand how important exercise is to health.
Make sports a fun activity and eagerly awaited by the Little One. Listen to his opinions about the types of sports he likes and doesn’t like. Mother and Father can also arrange a schedule to exercise together every week.