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People who are addicted to gadgets (gawai) may not realize that they have experienced health problems due to overuse of these objects. In fact, the impact is not kidding. Gadgets addiction can increase the risk of emotional disturbances, neck pain, difficulty in moving, lack of sleep, to certain diseases.
Gadgets addiction is closely related to internet addiction. This is because most of the shows, games (games), or interesting features in gadgets that are often used can be easily accessed via the internet.
According to experts, addiction to gadgets can cause the same euphoric effects with other addictive behaviors, such as gambling or watching pornography. Based on the results of research, gadget addiction can change brain chemicals which ultimately affect a person’s physical, psychological, and behavioral conditions.
Characteristics of Gadgets Addiction
Someone is said to have been addicted to gadgets if most of his time was spent using gadgets, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, or portable gaming devices. The term for this condition is nomophobia (no mobile phobia), which means fear for daily activities without smartphones or gadgets in other forms.
You can measure the level of addiction to gadgets by answering the following questions:
If the answer is more “yes”, then you can be said to be experiencing gadget addiction.
Impact of Gadgets Addiction
Anyone who is addicted to gadgets can experience a variety of bad effects, no matter the age and profession. Some of the effects that can arise due to gadget addiction are:
Physical effects
Some of the negative effects on physical health due to gadget addiction are:
1. Eye problems
Due to staring at the screen for too long, the eye can become problematic. Some eye problems that are at risk for gadget addicts are tired eyes, dry eyes, and impaired vision.
2. Pain in certain body parts
People who are already addicted to gadgets may not realize that their necks are often bent and their fingers don’t stop typing on the screen. This makes them vulnerable to neck pain, shoulder pain, and pain in the fingers and wrists.
3. Infection
The gadget’s screen is a nest of millions of germs. There is even research that states that E. coli bacteria causes diarrhea most commonly found in gadgets. This makes people who often come in contact with gadgets more at risk of infection.
4. Lack of sleep
Gadgets addicts are often willing to stay up late, so the quality and sleep time is reduced. If left unchecked, this can cause sleep disturbance. These health problems can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even infertility.
Due to lack of sleep, gadget addicts will find it difficult to concentrate and experience fatigue throughout the day. This can increase the risk of injury or accident while working or driving.
Psychological effect
Not only physical problems, gadget addiction can also cause psychological problems, namely:
Useful Gadgets
The following are tips that you can apply to be more wise in using gadgets and avoid the risk of addiction:
The tips above can also be applied to children at home so that this habit does not interfere with their learning activities and academic achievement.
To reduce and overcome gadget addiction, discipline is needed. However, this is important to maintain the health and safety of yourself and others.
If you still find it difficult to escape from dependence on gadgets, especially if this has caused difficulties in carrying out activities and daily work, you should consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to get help.