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The body needs several types of nutrients in order to function properly. One important nutrient is protein. Come on, know some foods that contain protein so you know and can meet daily protein needs. Read on to find out what protein is, the main function of protein, types of protein, and some examples of foods that contain protein.
Main Functions of Protein as with other macro nutrients, proteins also have many functions. One function of protein is to help the growth of cells. This function is the main function of the most important protein.
This makes protein a nutrient that has an important role in growth and illness. Why is that?
This is because protein can help the formation and replacement of body cells that are growing or that are damaged due to illness.
List of Foods for Animal Protein Sources and Benefits Here are some lists of animal protein sources that you can consume in the daily menu:
1. Meat without fat
Lean meat is a good source of animal protein for health. In addition to lower calorie counts, these foods also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B12, niacin, and selenium.
There are several benefits that can be taken from the consumption of lean meat, among others, can increase metabolism, increase muscle mass, and even bone strength and density.
2. Fish
Not only lean meat, fish is also one type of food source of animal protein which is very rich in nutrient content in it, ranging from omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins A, D, B6, and B12.
In general, the benefits of eating fish are believed to strengthen bones, reduce the risk of asthma and diabetes in children, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel disease).
3. Eggs
Compared to other types of animal protein sources, eggs are among the best food sources of protein which are very easy to obtain at cheap affordable prices. The highest protein content is found in the egg whites.
4. Milk, cheese and yogurt
Milk, cheese, and yogurt have long been known as a source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Of the many choices of milk, you are advised to consume skim milk or low-fat milk, because it is very good for keeping bones and teeth strong, and can help prevent osteoporosis.
Although it is a food that contains quite a bit of protein, this type of side dish from vegetable protein is quite widely consumed and often. So, do not also ignore the value of the protein content in it.