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Regulate Diet and Health According to Religion

Regulate Diet and Health According to Religion

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Everyone certainly wants to have an ideal body and continue to live healthy. Because of that desire, many of them are taking various ways to maintain health, maintain physical activity and exercise, and maintain adequate sleep patterns and not stress. Some others go on a special diet because they really want to protect themselves from disease.

If it is not related to the Shari’a or the teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, certainly not a problem. With a note that the diet does not actually endanger the body. It’s just that some parties are presumptuous by attributing certain diets or dietary patterns as the teachings (sunnah) of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

As we have mentioned before, to attribute something to the Sunnah or teachings of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is a severe and dangerous case. Therefore, in this chapter we will convey the hadiths or instructions of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam relating to this issue and how the ulama explain about it.

The Proverb that discusses Food
In the Qur’an we find guidance from Allah Ta’ala to eat halal food and thayyib, and to refrain from haram food. In addition, we are instructed not to overdo it when eating, even though it is halal. Allah Ta’ala said,

“O people, eat halal better than anything on earth, and do not follow the steps of Satan. Because truly the devil is a real enemy to you. ” (Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 168)

“O apostles, eat of good food, and do good deeds. Surely I know what you are doing. ” (Surat al-Mu’minun [23]: 51)

“Eat and drink, and don’t overdo it.” (Surah Al-A’raf [7]: 31)

“It is not a man fulfilling a container that is more dangerous than his own stomach. Actually a human is enough with a few mouthfuls of food that can straighten his backbone. But if there is no other choice, then one third of the stomach should be for food, another third for drinks and the last third for breath. ” (Ibn Majah’s HR no. 3349, considered valid by Al-Albani)

Explanation of Religious Health Principle
All health problems return to the three main core. And indeed the Qur’an has reminded in His word about maintaining health and removing impurities (disease) (which means), “Eat and drink, and don’t overdo” (QS. Al-A’raf [7]: 31). ” (Al-Qawa’idul hisaan, p. 150)

Then he – Rahimahullahu Ta’ala – explained that in the verse, Allah Ta’ala ordered to eat and drink, two activities that are needed by the body (the first point). The order is absolute, which shows that the food and drink consumed should be something good and beneficial for humans at all times and circumstances.

And Allah the Exalted prohibits from being excessive, for example by eating too much and drinking. This is a form of protection of anything that has the potential to endanger the human body. If the staple food that is needed is not allowed to be consumed when there is a potential to endanger the health of the body, then what else is there other than staple food?

It is permissible for people who are sick to tayammum, as a substitute for ablution with water, if using water can endanger their health. This is as a form of safeguarding from things that can endanger health (second point). Likewise, it is permissible for a person who is on ihram if there is a disease in his head to shave it. This is included in the form of eliminating diseases in the body (point three). So what if there are things that are more dangerous than all that? (See Al-Qawa’idul hisaan, p. 150)

Simplicity of Muhammad S.A.W in Food Problems
In matters of food, he is not overdone and only asks for sufficient food rizki. This is as his prayer sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,

“O Allah, make Muhammad’s family fortune in the form of adequate food.” (HR. Muslim no. 1055)

Unlike us who generally eat 2-3 times a day until full, the Prophet sallallaahu ahu alayhi wa sallam just feel full every 2-3 days. This condition is told by mother ‘Aisyah radhiyallahu‘ anha by saying,

“The family of Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam has never felt full from eating wheat bread in two consecutive days, until he sallallaahu’ alaihi wa sallam died.” (HR. Muslim no. 2970)

In the continuation of the above hadith, it is clear the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam canceled his fast when there was food. If the intention of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is for diet, of course the Prophet continues to fast despite food. So again, the meaning that is closer to the hadiths above is the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam rarely eat because of the limitations and simple economic conditions that God has set for him, not because he deliberately wants to diet for the health of the body.

And from the hadith of An-Nu’man bin Basyir radhiyallahu ‘anhu also, we understand that the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam did it all not in the context of qurbah (worship) and he did not teach his friends to have the same diet as him. In fact, An-Nu’man bin Bashir said to his friends, “Don’t you always have food to eat and drink to drink as you like?”

That is, generally the friends are well off in matters of food and drink, even they eat every day. Not as done by the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. If what the Prophet (sallallahu’alaihi wa sallam) did in the framework of qurbah and was worthy of worship or was the best pattern, then surely the friends of ridhwanullah ‘alaihim ajma’in had been competing to imitate it.