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Beetroot is a tuber plant that is widely used for natural medicine. The benefits of beets that can be consumed by boiling, steaming, roasting, juicing, or eating raw are also numerous.
But, beets are not a kind of fruit, but dark red tubers that grow in the ground. The benefits of beets can be obtained from the nutrients contained in them such as carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and iron. Beets are low in fat and calories, and contain no saturated fat or cholesterol. Beets also contain antioxidants that can help reduce the effects of inflammation.
Benefits of Beets
A row of nutrients contained in beets certainly makes the tuber which is often mistaken for this fruit, has many benefits for the body. What are the benefits of beet “fruit”?
Lowering blood pressure and maintaining a healthy heart
Beets are rich in nitrates. In the body, this substance will turn into nitric oxide which plays a role in lowering blood pressure. In fact, there is evidence to suggest that beet juice can reduce blood pressure, even if only slightly. Several studies so far have found that the red pigment betasianin and antioxidants in beets are thought to play a role in reducing inflammation associated with heart disease.
Prevent senility
The nitrite content in beets is also thought to be able to increase blood and oxygen flow to oxygen-deficient places. Drinking beet juice is thought to increase blood flow to the brain in the elderly and fight the development of senile symptoms.
Good for diabetics
The benefits of beets can also be felt by diabetics. Beets contain the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid which is thought to prevent cell damage and help heal damaged nerves in diabetics. Research shows that the benefits of beets in improving blood sugar levels appear to be more significant in those who are obese, compared to those with an ideal body weight.
Improve physical performance
Want to run faster or ride a faster bike? Just drink beet juice before exercising. According to research, drinking beet juice is thought to increase our physical performance and stamina.
Has anti-inflammatory properties
The inflammatory process is actually the body’s natural response to fighting foreign objects. But if the inflammation lasts for a long time or is chronic, then there are adverse health effects that can occur, such as damage to blood vessels and damage to body tissues. One of the benefits of beets is that they can suppress inflammation and prevent damage in the body.
Good for pregnant women and fetuses
As mentioned above, beets are rich in folate. This one substance is very important for consumption by pregnant women. Folate helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus and lowers the risk of the baby being born prematurely. However, the consumption of the number of beets in pregnant women should not be too much.
Prevent cancer
Researchers believe that the benefits of beets can protect the body from developing cancer cells. The test results in the laboratory showed that beetroot extract was able to suppress the growth of cancer cells. This effect is probably obtained from the content of betasianin and antioxidants in beets.
Supports nerve and muscle work
Preventing muscle cramps, fatigue, and irregular heart rhythm is also one of the benefits of beets. Beets are rich in the mineral potassium which helps nerves and muscles to function properly.
Maintain the health of the digestive tract
Beets that contain fiber and antioxidants seem to have a good effect on the digestive tract. This nutrient content makes beets help smooth the digestive process. Several studies have stated that the benefits of beets are also to prevent damage to the digestive tract walls due to inflammatory processes, constipation, and colon cancer.
The benefits of “fruit” beets are very useful for health. However, these various benefits still require further evidence and research. Even though beets have a myriad of properties, it doesn’t mean you can consume large amounts of beets. Eating too much beetroot can actually reduce calcium levels in the body, damage the kidneys, and even worsen kidney disease.